Family: Bignoniaceae
Common Name: Cape honeysuckle
Origin: South Africa
Family: Bignoniaceae
Common Name: Cape honeysuckle
Origin: South Africa
Tecoma capensis is an evergreen, flowering, multi-stemmed,, sprawling, perennial shrub or vine. grows to 3.5m tall with equal spread unless prunes. Tied to support it reaches 4.5-7.5m tall with a 3-4m spread. Fast-growing at a rate of 1m or more p/a. An erect, scrambling shrub, it grows to 2–3m in height and a similar width. Normally evergreen, it may lose its leaves in colder climates.
In certain habitats it may scramble, meaning that it shoots out long growth tips which lean on the stems and branches of other plants, as well as boulders, trellises, fences and walls; this can lead to the plant appearing untidy. The leaves are up to 15 cm (6 in) long. They are opposite, slightly serrated, green to dark-green, and pinnate with 5 to 9 oblong leaflets. The flower colour ranges from orange to orange-red to apricot.