‘Dwarf Yellow’ is a tender shrub that grows to about 4 feet high and wide, but probably will stay smaller in our climate. It makes a perfect container plant for the full-sun deck, patio or balcony. Clusters of sunny yellow flowers appear continuously until frost and show up well against the slightly ridged, medium green foliage. Lantana camara ‘Dwarf Yellow’ grows well as a seaside plant, too. Lantanas bloom and thrive in full sun with less water and in poorer soil than many other plants will tolerate and they make a great addition to low water use landscapes.
Lanata camera dwarf yellow
Family: Verbenaceae
Common Name: Big-sage (Malaysia), Wild-sage, Red-sage, White-sage (Caribbean), Tickberry (South Africa), West Indian Lantana, and Umbelanterna
Origin: American tropics