Chorisia speciose is a semi-evergreen, flowering, erect large perennial tree with a rounded, spreading canopy and bottle-shaped. Almost succulent like a trunk. Grows 8-10m tall with a 6-10m spread and trunk diameter up to 1m. Noted as reaching 15-20m tall with a spread of 10-15m in its native habitat. Fast-growing by as much as 1.5m p/a when young, slowing down once it reaches 6m or so.
Flowers are showy with a bell-shaped calyx and wide-spreading 7-10cm long petals and bisexual. They are deep pink with a white or yellow throat or sponsored with purple or brown, borne in axillary racemes and appear from large purple buds. The flower is mostly observed from April to June. Low maintenance requirements in natural look area once established.