Pensiutum alopecuroides is a warm-season ornamental grass which typically grows in graceful, spreading clumps from 2-3′ tall and as wide. Features narrow, medium to deep green leaves in summer, changing to golden yellow in fall and fading to beige in late fall. Foliage usually remains attractive throughout the winter. Showy, silvery to pinkish-white, bristly, bottle brush-like flower spikes arch outward from the clump in late summer like water spraying from fountain Flower spikes turn brownish as the seeds form, and spikes usually persist until late fall or early winter before shattering.
Many excellent fountain grass cultivars are available in commerce, ranging in height from 1-5′ and featuring a variety of different flower colours (purples, pinks or whites) and autumn foliage. Specific epithet means like a foxtail grass.